Sunday, May 23, 2010

It's been a month!!

Wow! It's been a blur the last month and honestly I have to admit that we lost track of one whole weekend and it took Rachel and I 30 minutes to figure out what we did the weekend of April 9-11!!!!! OMG! we had to go online and check our credit card purchases to determine that we were in Midland!!! And then I remembered....Sunday during the nite, I woke up with a stomach virus that lasted 3 days. I guess I will have to refer to that period as the "lost 3 days". I know that this happened before my first blog and so it got lost in between visits with Lela but it's still sad.

I guess that what happens when an illness changes your routine. I guess I'm glad in a way that I was able to block it out of my memory to a certain extent but it further emphasizes my need to blog periodically. I will try to do better.

I am very happy to say that LelaAnn is two month old today and that we spent a great weekend last week with her, Morgan and Nathan at the lake and that Christopher and LauraBeth were able to join us as well. The weekends of April 16-18 and 30-May 2 we also were at the lake and we had a spectacular view of the Hill Country wildflowers. Frank and Jean joined us the first trip and Rachel and I went solo the second.

This past weekend of May14-16 with all the kids was such a blessing. It was Lela's first trip away from home and the fact that we all met at the lake made it even more special. The weather was really ideal for getting out on the lake for Lela's first time because it was overcast and very calm. Had it been sunny like we envisioned, it would have been too much for her. She was having to squint her eyes as it was. We christened the newly aquired red SeaDoo and got accustomed to the new ramp that was finished last month. We feel much more secure with the PWCs tucked away off of the channel.

The fellowship we can all have together is the greatest blessing no matter where we meet for we know that God is with us always. We all proceeded to Midlothian for Lela's baby dedication at OakCrest Baptist on Sunday where we all worshipped and thanked God for His blessings! We unfortunately failed to adequately document that occasion with our camera getting pictures only with our phones!!! What were we thinking? And no pictures were taken of Lela, Morgan and Nathan together other than video that Christopher shot. We will remember to do better next time :-/

We all marvel at how quickly Lela is growing and changing into a little girl right before our eyes. She has changed our lives forever by becoming a part of us and God is using her to awaken us all to enjoy and focus on the important things in life. May we all be better sons and daughters of our Father. Until next time..... Ken